Linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy's QuickLit - short reviews of books we've read lately.
It's been a couple of months since I last wrote anything on the blog. With respiratory illnesses to overcome, a couple of birthday parties (not mine) to organise, a running race ro crew in, and all kinds of other activities, I've had some time for reading but little time and energy to write.
It's been a couple of months since I last wrote anything on the blog. With respiratory illnesses to overcome, a couple of birthday parties (not mine) to organise, a running race ro crew in, and all kinds of other activities, I've had some time for reading but little time and energy to write.
Kayla Aimee: Anchored - Finding Hope in
the Unexpected
This is a memoir by a mom who gives
birth to a preemie daughter (at 24 weeks). I love to read real life
stories, and this one had me both laughing and crying. Faith tested,
faith changed, challenges faced, all recounted with humour and
(But if you are pregnant right now, and
already dealing with fears and mood swings, you might save this for
Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of
So now I've read it. Goes for the
reading challenge category of the book everyone has read but you... And though I can see why it's been so
popular, I don't have much to say about it, I haven't "KonMaried"
my belongings, and I'm not likely to in the near future. Good basic principles of deciding what to keep (rather than focus on what to discard), though.
Fun reading for language geeks.
You definitely don't need to be a linguist to enjoy these histories and peculiarities of various European languages.
You definitely don't need to be a linguist to enjoy these histories and peculiarities of various European languages.
Brennan Manning: All Is Grace (A
Ragamuffin Memoir)
The bottom line of Manning's message is
God's unconditional grace and love, and that's also illustatred by
his colourful life and this memoir that certainly does not try to hide
his weaknesses and faults. Moving and touching.
Historical fiction for aimed mainly for
young readers. A young, plucky orphan girl goes to
live with her aunt in 1800's Chicago. The aunt's character is based
on a real person: Kate Warne, the first female detective in the USA.
The Aunt is busy with her important and sometimes pretty dangerous
work and she is not at all happy to have her niece thrust upon her,
but young Nell eventually becomes quite an assistant, as the title
I chose this for the reading challenge
category of "book you read because of its cover" - the cover really caught my eye on the "New Titles" shelf of our library's children's
department - but I ended up being delighted with the story, too.