Friday 27 December 2013

Adventure I didn't choose

I'm writing this at 7 AM, on a dark morning. Soon, I'll be heading to the hospital.

Another twist came up in the tale of the broken ankle. The infection is back, and it's worse.

The infection was diagnosed at another town, where we were staying for Christmas. I've been eating antibiotics and painkillers, as well as traditional Christmas delicacies, and relaxing with relatives with my foot up as much as possible.

All with the knowledge that after Christmas, the ankle needs to be operated, again.

I'm thankful that we got the holiday.
I'm thankful that I have had some time to prepare.
I'm thankful that I'm not walking this valley alone.
I'm thankful for the pretty good (and affordable) medical care system in my country.

I didn't choose this adventure. I can't control it.

God, You're in control, aren't You? I'm relying on you.

In the meanwhile, this blog will be quiet for a while, again. I'm not going to update from the hospital, and if they send me home for the weekend and schedule the op for next week, I'm going to be here with and for my family.

And now I'll go wake up my son, who wanted me to wake him up for his morning cuddle before I go.

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